Small utilities I've built (mostly for myself):
Date/Time utils
- deathcrush - Visualize your life.
- unix-to-utc - Unix timestamp ⇄ UTC converter.
- tz - Local times of common time zones.
- yp - Year progress.
- doy - Ordinal date ⇄ YYYY-MM-DD converter.
- timer - Simple timer.
- morse - Morse code encoder/decoder.
- rail-fence - Rail fence cipher.
- caesar - Caesar/ROT13 cipher.
- vigenere - Vigenère cipher.
- affine - Affine/Atbash ciphers.
- a1z26 - A1Z26 cipher.
- eleet - 13375p34k transformer.
- unix-perms - Unix file system permissions visualizer.
- lorem-ipsum - Lorem Ipsum generator.
- roman - Arabic ⇄ Roman numeral converter.
- pig-latin - Pig Latin translator.
- ip - IP lookup.
- randhn - Browse the Hacker News front page on a random date.
- on - The most efficient way to check whether or not your computer is on.